This course provides an overview of the different phases of the daily work of the pastor. Attention is given to the call, character, leadership and responsibilities of the Pastor. Opportunities are also given to the student to practice methods of pastoral work

This course is intended to provide a pathway toward a spiritual refreshment, deeper commitment and disciplined living. It explores the panoply of spiritual disciplines sanctioned by the Bible and developed throughout Church history as well as their benefit for developing Christian maturity. Emphasis is placed on African Christian spirituality. It will be a blend of classroom and practical experiences in a spiritual direction; group context of individual students and included various modalities of learning.

This course builds on System Theology I to examine five major additional doctrines of the Christian faith. It is approached from biblical, theological and historical (tradition of the church) perspectives. The five doctrines examined are: Trinity, Christology, Salvation (Soteriology), the Holy Spirit, and Eschatology

This course is a detailed study of the skills, principles and methods of sermon construction, development and delivery. Three types of sermons, namely, expository, textual and topical will be discussed in detail

This course examines four (4) Christian doctrines, namely:

God (Theology), Revelation, Humanity (Anthropology) and Sin (Harmatiology), from biblical, theological, and historical (tradition of the church) perspectives